Writer: Jordan Troche

Pencils and Inks: Leticia Morgado

Published by: Caliber Comics

Connor, a teen who must live with a terrible secret. Born with a power to send others to Hell for their sins he is then subjected to watching their punishment play out by horrible demons. A dark version of himself that revels in the death and misery lies dormant until he finds a sinner then possesses the teen. Pretending to be a normal high-schooler all the while living this double life begins to take its toll. Why does he have this horrible power to send others to Hell and what is he? Human, Demon or something else entirely?


Leticia Morgado

Leticia Morgado


Born and raised in a small town, Lepe (Spain), since she has a memory she has always been drawing.

Leticia grew up loving anime like Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Kenshin … She discovered a small shop where she bought her first manga comic, precious treasure. At 18 she moved to Seville, where she graduated in Fine Arts. She also studied Japanese and English at the Language Institute.

Leticia is passionate about comics, Japanese food, cheesecake, adores cats and loves to collect dolls. She dreams of visiting Tokyo. In her free time she also loves to do cosplay and sing in musicals. Currently she is professionally dedicated to doing what she likes the most, drawing and coloring comics.

Jordan Troche

Jordan Troche


I was captured by the mythical tales told in comics and animation. Growing up in the nineties and watching X-Men and Spiderman I couldnt wait till Saturday mornings so I could watch my favorite heroes and villains clashing. It was then that I was introduced to Dragonball Z and I probably watched the show four dozen times. I remember it was only dubbed until the Frieza arc back then so I would watch it until that part and it would restart the next week. I have fond memories of getting off the bus and running to my TV to watch Toonami every week day. Browsing Blockbuster on a Friday night my friends found a series called Berserk. This series left a lasting impression that heroes didn’t always win and sometimes horrible things happened to them. In my twenties I got fed up with a filler arc in one of my favorite series and decided to try to write a manga story. To my shock and I am sure to my English teachers as well I LOVED it! I set out to find an artist and to my surprise I found a plethora of artists looking for stories to draw online. I learned many things creating my first manga called Nephlim the many other short comics I created since then. Eventually I came up with Death Sin but this time I used all the lessons from my past works and set out to create a modern horror manga that blends eastern art style with western ideas of religion and demonology. My dream is to get an Anime made from one of my stories and I hope to have a real shot at fulfilling this dream with Death Sin.